
The “Why Books?”Conference took place on October 28-29, 2010 at the Radcliffe Institute  for Advanced Study, Harvard University.

“Why Books?” probes the form and function of the book in a rapidly changing media ecology. Speakers from a variety of disciplines—literature and history to sociology and computer science—will discuss the public-policy implications of new media forms and will explore some of the major functions that we identify with books today: production and diffusion; storage and retrieval; and reception and use.

New: Videos of Opening “Conversation” and Three Panels

Session Summaries and Site Visit Summaries
Welcome, Intro and Opening Conversation: “Future Formats of Texts: E–books and Old Books” Session I: “Storage and Retrieval”
Session II: “Circulation and Transmission”
Session III: “Reception and Use”

Conference Speakers

A selection of post-conference press coverage can be found on the conference homepage.

Hat Tips: Peter Suber and Matthew Kirschenbaum

Via Resource Shelf


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