Screen shot 2010-02-20 at 3.54.54 PM.pngLaunched last Thursday, 1812 History is a new website where Niagara museums have put on line digitized material that would typically not be on display. More than 700 items from area museums are displayed in more than 22,000 digital images.

“What you see on display at most museums is probably five to 10% of what they’ve got,” said David Sharron, head of special collections and archives for the James A. Gibson Library at Brock University, which spearheaded the project. This is an opportunity to get those things in storage on display while protecting their physical integrity at the same time.”

More information here.
(via Resource Shelf)


  1. Although I’m glad to see more information like this posted on the internet, it is a shame that this site does not display properly in Firefox. I took a look at the page source and saw some strange and intricate CSS going on. I emailed them about it.

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