facebook adds buy buttonsFacebook is Adding Buy Buttons to Ads—Do You Think They Could be Used to Buy/Sell eBooks? (The Digital Reader)
Only a couple days after BitTorrent announced that they would be adding a payment option to BitTorrent Bundles, Facebook started letting a handful of advertisers add buy buttons to their ads.

Is Kindle Unlimited Good for Indie Authors? (GoodeReader)
Amazon has officially launched Kindle Unlimited, a US based service that has 600,000 eBooks and audiobooks available at $9.99 per month. The Seattle based e-commerce giant is now competing against companies such as Oyster and Scribd, which have friendly terms for self-published authors. Is Kindle Unlimited viable for indie authors and is it worth it to make your titles available?

Fifteen Unpublished Elmore Leonard Novels to be Sold Posthumously (GalleyCat)
Weidenfeld & Nicolson and The Orion Publishing Group will publish fifteen previously unpublished stories by the late author Elmore Leonard.

Why Amazon’s ‘Netflix for Books’ Might be Doomed Before it Starts (The Verge)
Binge-watching is a phenomenon, binge-reading is homework.

Kindle Daily Deals: The Wind is Not a River (and others)


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