conceded us book markt to amazonHas Everyone Conceded the US Book Market to Amazon? (Dear Author)
And apparently the digital marketers have folded up their tents and left the US marketplace to Amazon. It may be in four years there will be a new competitor that we cannot foresee. Let’s hope so because an Amazon dominated landscape isn’t good for anyone. Not readers, authors or publishers.

Book Awards to Apply for Now (Author U)
Book Awards … add to your professional credibility and are an excellent marketing tool.

Some Chefs Still Insisting That Photographing Meals Steals Some of their Intellectual Property (Techdirt)
While many chefs seem to simply think that foodies and patrons photographing their food is a sign of respect or just begrudgingly tolerate it, others seem to have succumbed to copyright maximalism disease, whereby one believes that you’re allowed to “own” things you’re clearly not entitled to.

The Most Popular Books by State (GalleyCat)
eBook subscription company Scribd has tabulated the most popular book by state throughout the 50 states in the US.

Kindle Daily Deals: Books That Inspired Our Passion for Reading

Editor’s Note: If you usually ignore the Daily Deal, don’t ignore this one. There’s some excellent books on the list at great prices.


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