fair useDr. Matthew Rimmer Takes a Closer Look at Fair Use (Techdirt)
For this week’s Favorites of the Week, Dr. Matthew Rimmer wanted to focus in on some of the specific points that came up in the Congressional hearing on fair use earlier this week.

Archos Announces Three Budget Tablets in Neon Line (GoodeReader)
Archos has announced up three new tablets in its budget-conscious lineup.

Locus Recommended Reading List for Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of 2013 (Boing Boing)
Locus Magazine has published its annual Recommended Reading list, which is my favorite annual guide to the best that science fiction and fantasy have to offer.

Unreturned Books are Shrinking the Collection at Brooklyn Libraries (GalleyCat)
Brooklyn Public Library’s collection is shrinking because of unreturned books.

Kindle Daily Deals: Out Stealing Horses (and others)


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