smashwordsLee Child on Why He Signed with Authors United (PW)
Lee Child, the bestselling author of the Jack Reacher novels, revealed why he cares about the Amazon-Hachette dispute — and it’s not about e-book royalties. Child wrote, “it’s a thus-far-and-no-further thing for me. I don’t want Amazon to be the only publisher.”

Kobo Promises to Fix eBook Download Issue (The Digital Reader)
Kobo has officially commented today on the 4 plus year old issue of Kobo customers not being able to download their purchases.

James Patterson: Best Friend to Indie Bookshops (GalleyCat)
Taking a page from his 2013 announcement to give a cool $1 mil to independent bookstores around the U.S. to help keep print reading and indies alive, Patterson has extended his sharing of the green across the pond…

“Smashwords Edition” (The Passive Voice)
Over the last few years, a small but vocal minority of authors and publishers objected to placing phrases such as “Smashwords Edition,” “Distributed by Smashwords,” or “Published by [Author or Publisher Name] at Smashwords” in their front matter.

Kindle Daily Deal: The Child Thief (and others)


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