amazonAmazon, A Friendly Giant As Long as It’s Fed (NYT)
A few years ago he was reduced to returning bottles and cans for grocery money. Now his Amazon earnings pay for lengthy stays in Italy and Paris, as well as expeditions to the real Amazon.

UK Society of Authors: Traditional Publishing No Longer in Author’s Best Interests (GoodeReader)
But one organization in the UK, the Society of Authors, has stated in an interview with its head Nicola Solomon that the validity of the traditional publishers is questionable and goes so far as to state the traditional publishing as a whole is no longer the most viable option for authors.

It’s Time More Parents Started Paying for Children’s Apps (Teachers With Apps)
Teachers With Apps has been singing this song since conception. Making a quality educational app is far from cheap, and marketing that app, which is equally as important as the product itself, is also time consuming and costly.

More Evidence That the Big Phone is the New Small Tablet (GigaOM)
According to a new report, bigger phones are starting to cut into the sales of 7- and 8-inch tablets.

Kindle Daily Deal: The Great Santini (and others)


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