ipod touchUsed eBook Website Faces Lawsuit in Europe (The Digital Reader)
The used ebook marketplace Tom Kabinet is only a week old but it is already facing legal challenges to its business model.

Should Canadian Courts Get to Decide What the World Sees Online? (Michael Geist)
The ruling provides the sense that the court felt that its reach needed to match Google’s global footprint. While there is much to be said for asserting jurisdiction over Google – if it does business in Canada, then Canadian law should apply – attempts to extend blocking orders to a global audience could lead to a run on court orders that target the company’s global search results.

Apple Updates the iPod Touch Lineup, with Price Cuts Across the Board and a new 16 gb Model (GigaOM)
On Thursday Apple cut iPod Touch prices, which now start at $200 for a 16GB model.

Content vs. Technology: What’s Your Story? (Boing Boing)
When it comes to storytelling, where are design and technology taking us?

Kindle Daily Deals: A wide assortment today, including [easyazon-link asin=”B008QXVDJ0″ locale=”us”]The Golem and the Jinni[/easyazon-link], which we reviewed earlier this year.


  1. The Boing Boing piece was encouraging. Given the current state of popular culture, however, some unwillingness to suspend disbelief seems warranted. This is especially he case for the movie business where storytelling seems to have been supplanted almost entirely by digital effects.

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