I thought if anyone would appreciate this goof, it’s the readers of TeleRead.

This came up in a Google search earlier today when I was looking for Kindle Paperwhite reviews. Anyone see the problem?

And now back to your regularly scheduled important digital publishing news. 🙂


  1. It took me a couple of minutes to see what you meant. Here’s an appropriately fake response.

    “Wow! That Paperwhite pictured has a color screen. Why hasn’t Amazon told us about their bold new leap forward with ePaper. And I thought the new Paperwhite was just black and white like all the others.”

    I don’t know about that best-ever claim either. The new models lack one handy feature of my Kindle 3. I can provide my own screen lighting. What I can’t do is add text-to-speech to a model that lacks it.

  2. You guys got it.

    I like your fake response, @Michael. And lots of people share your feelings about TTS and the Paperwhite.

    What I particularly liked was that it was a picture of a Nook beside a Kindle article. So many things wrong with that.

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