AppleWhen is the best time to purchase a new Apple device? Is there a best time?

We’re fully aware of how sporadic and paltry the big Apple can be when it comes to offering customers discounts on their products. Usually feeling like you’ve earned a ‘deal’ from an Apple retail store or from their online store involves taking advantage of a promotion, which can result in spending extra money to receive reduced priced accessories or services (of which you may or may not actually need).

But saving any amount on a fresh Macbook Pro or iPad straight from the source? Not likely.

So again, we ask: When, if ever, is the best time to buy new Apple gear? Here’s a little help—check out the infographic below:


This information was researched, compiled and delivered courtesy of, “where everyday is Black Friday.” They’ve based their findings on over a year’s worth of Apple deals and trends from iPads, Macbook Pros, iPhones “and everything in between.”


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