Bucking hard for the cutest piece of horror around – even more than a Cthulhu plushy – is the current Kickstarter campaign for “Where’s Cthulhu? Arkham Parade” – brought to you by the brave insanity-battlers of the Cthulhu Project. Lovecraftian cultists of all kinds and denominations (or should that be demoni-nations?) can enjoy the spectacle of Arkham’s carnival floats (and crawls, and slithers) creeping over their wall, or – thanks to a handy mobile tech tweak – over the screens of their mobile phones.

“We are building Arkham in retro style, pixel by pixel,” explains the campaign blurb. “Everybody is around the Miskatonic river and the University campus to join the Arkham Parade, while the cultists cross the river with the big balloons: the Elder Thing, Cthulhu, Dagon… they are proud of their gods and entities and everybody is coming to join the party! The poster size is 19×27″ – 50x70cm.”

As well as the wall poster and basic image, though, the campaign also offers sticker sets, fridge magnets, a puzzle – and mobile interactivity. “This artwork is also interactive: you can play looking for your favorite Mythos characters by naked eyes… or even better, interacting with your smartphone! The poster includes a bidimensional code: just scan it (free app) and the phone will propose you to find a hidden character, one different each time! ” And as part of the Kickstarter rewards, “You can be included in the Arkham Parade! This is a unique chance to be part of a unique artwork in the interactive poster. You can choose a character to be included in the poster, it can be you, maybe disguised? or your favorite pet…* Your character will be in the Arkham Parade artwork and it will be part of the game.”

With a target of only £500 ($751) and £450 ($676) already pledged at the time of writing, with 28 days still to go of the campaign, this effort looks sure to fly – or slither, or creep. So climb on board now if you want your share of sanity-challenging fun.


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