Those of you who don’t happen to be productivity obsessives may have missed this one, but last night, Lifehacker posted a really simple trick that’ll give your tablet or smartphone screen an appearance similar to that of an E-Ink screen … sort of.

Here’s how it works:

I use a matte screen protector and using an app like Cool Reader (since I’m on Android). I change the background to a moderate to light grey and the font to a dark grey about 25% -30% lighter than black. Turn down the screen brightness to about 75% outside and 45% in doors. Then change the font by adding fonts to the system fonts to a more soothing type face like “antipasto”. Increase line spacing to about 125%-150% and margins to no more than 10pt on all sides.

As the author readily admits, “It isn’t exactly like E-Ink, but it is nicer than staring at a bright white screen. This trick should work,” he writes, “with any app that lets you tweak the text and background colors, on iOS or Android.”

I haven’t yet given this one a try myself, but the photo above is a shot of the author’s phone, post-DIY E-Ink treatment. If any of you decide to give this a go yourselves, please let us know how it works.

Click here to check out the original post. [Lifehacker]



  1. I still read on my Palm TX during the days when I am out and about and I use a black background with a light grey text for reading.

    It does not simulate e-ink but it is the best thing I could find in my research for reducing eye strain on an LCD screen.

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