project-gutenberg-logo.jpgFrom Project Gutenberg News:

One of our newest projects is to solicit suggestions as to where Project Gutenberg should be in it’s 50th year. The current suggestions are:

1. Make it more obvious that PG wants error messages–how to write them, where to send them, etc.
2. Make it more obvious that PG will send DVD’s so the people who have to pay by the megabyte can use PG.
3. An extensive library of human read audiobooks.
4. Please make it more obvious how to do PG eBooks for Kindle, Sony, nook, and other eReaders.
5. More current books under Creative Commons licenses. More apps for cellphones. A model to encourage new writers to share their work in the same spirit. Showcase how people who used to be on the bad sides of various digital divides enjoyed and benefitted.
6. Please add more bookshelves, particularly one to do eBooks from each country and make sure each one has at least one eBook to show how it can be done.
7. Proofread the Top 100 or so downloaded books to the point where we they approach perfection.

As part of the last point above, we are right now looking for volunteers to fine tooth comb the PG eBooks of Alice In Wonderland, Through Looking-Glass & Hunting Of The Snark for errors. So we need as many volunteers as possible to let us know if you would like like to proofread Top Tens.

If you have a project you would like to work on then why not send us a note and we’ll see if we can get a team of volunteers to help.


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