Screen shot 2010-06-11 at 9.01.28 AM.pngFrom the announcement:

OCLC and the National Diet Library (NDL) {English Web Site} have signed an agreement to work cooperatively to make more than 5 million records from NDL more visible and accessible to scholars and researchers worldwide through WorldCat.

In the agreement, NDL and OCLC state their intent “to cooperate for the benefit of libraries, library patrons and end users of information services.” …

The National Diet Library has been using WorldCat for current cataloging of Western languages materials since 2007. This new agreement provides for the contribution of the complete contents of the JAPAN/MARC database, the official national bibliography of Japan, to WorldCat on a regular basis.

NDL and OCLC will work together to add the 5 million records to the WorldCat database. Once records are added to WorldCat, they are more visible and accessible to Web users worldwide through, the destination for search and discovery of library materials on the Web.

For some more related information see Resource Shelf.


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