
From Ebook Magazine:

Library users in the UK will soon be able to enjoy digital versions of their favourite magazines thanks to a partnership between audiobook distributer Recorded Books and digital mag retailer Zinio.

The two companies will make available a ‘Zinio for Libraries’ service which gives patrons access to magazines via their library card. The service will also be available in the United States, Canada and Australia.

Zinio already sells digital and interactive magazines via its website for reading on PCs and laptops and via apps for the iPad and Android devices. The company also powers branded single-title iPad apps for magazine publishers.

“People love going to their public library to read a large selection of magazines, but printed copies can easily get damaged, lost or destroyed,” said Rich Freese, president and CEO, Recorded Books.

“Books, music and audiobooks are transitioning to digital formats and now with Zinio for Libraries, we can offer thousands of digital magazines from most every major global publisher.” 

“We’re really excited about our new partnership with Recorded Books, which will allow us to offer our library of thousands of magazines to readers through their local libraries,” said Jeanniey Mullen, CMO, Zinio.


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