
From a post in The Distant Librarian which discusses the new Canadian National Reading Campaign report:

In a nutshell, the NRC now has data from a week in Jan 2011, and a week in Jan 2012, so they’re able to give us some information about book sales AND book circulations from Public Libraries in Canada, including both hard and e-copy. Some of the interesting numbers:

  • E-book sales comprised 10% of all books sold in English Canada. Public libraries reported that 3% of their circulation comprised digital formats.
  • 1,153,081 print books were sold by retailers including Indigo Books & Music, and other national chains, as well as over 260 independent bookstores across the country. English language print book sales for the week increased 4% over 2011.
  • 111,053 English language e-book sales were counted. As this is the first year counting ebook sales, no direct comparison can be made, but publishers report a “significant” increase from 2011.
  • 2,141,553 print books were borrowed from 28 participating public library systems. 63,196 e-books were downloaded. Canadian libraries saw an 8% increase in print circulation and a 50% increase in digital circulation for an overall increase of 9% total circulation for libraries that participated in 2011 and 2012

Thanks to Paul Pival for the link.


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