From a Report Summary on Telecompaper:

Worldwide digital books market will grow at an average rate of 30 percent per year between 2010 and 2015 to reach EUR 5.4 billion in 2015, or 12 percent of the total book market, according to a report by Idate. E-Book readers will also develop from 3.3 million units sold in 2010 to 29.8 million units sold in 2015, representing a 24 percent growth rate per year. North America will see an average annual growth rate of 13 percent between 2012 and 2015. At that time, sales of e-books are expected to generate a turnover of around EUR 2.2 billion. The five major European countries will experience higher growth on the same period, to reach in 2015 an overall turnover of about EUR 1.4 billion for an average annual growth rate of 30 percent over the period.

The report further shows that the most advanced countries in terms of market share are the US, Canada and the UK. In terms of value, these markets should range from 13 percent for the UK to 18 percent for the US. In terms of volume, the 2015 market share is forecasts to reach 35 percent in the US, against 21 percent in the UK

Read the Complete Summary

See Also: “E-Book : An impressive yearly growth rate of 30% to reach the 5.4 billion EUR in 2015 (via Idate Blog)
Includes chart: Digital book market in million EUR vs E-reader sales in thousand units worldwide, 2008-2015

[Via INFOdocket]


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