Not only is Kmart selling Augen’s 7” Android 2.1 tablet for $149 (as Paul mentioned earlier), it is also selling a 7” Android 1.6 “smartbook” from the same company for $99. Engadget has a review of the device, which appears to be one of those el-cheapo Chinese netbooks that turn up every so often for sale from disreputable companies and/or on eBay.
This particular netbook can now be found at the much more reputable Kmart, but Engadget suggests that it might not be the best value for the price—it boots terribly slowly, they had difficulty getting apps to install, and the YouTube player doesn’t seem to work. Might be best to save your money.
Though I wonder what the potential is for under-the-hood type geeks to add more RAM, maybe install a flavor of Linux that might work a bit better? Some of the companies that have handled these devices in the past claimed to be able to open them up and add more memory before passing them on.
It’s tempting to see if my own local Kmart carries either this or the $149 device. Might be fun to grab and play around with.