Kindle Paperwhite offerAmazon appears to be offering another limited-time offer bundling deal for Kindle fans and bibliophiles. This time it’s a free book (paper variety) with your new Kindle Paperwhite.

As you can see from the above illustration (featuring my own book Black Propaganda for extra promotional purposes 😉 ), Amazon is currently allowing you to claim a free book worth up to $30 if you buy a new Kindle Paperwhite. Terms and conditions for the offer are here. As so often, Amazon doesn’t give a clear idea of the offer cutoff date, other than to say it’s for a limited period. But it’s very clear that this is a paper-only deal: “Offer does not apply to digital content.” Furthermore, “Kindle Paperwhite and physical book must be purchased in a single order and shipped at the same speed to a single address.” The offer is “limited to one per customer and account,” and “may not be combined with other offers.” Also, it doesn’t apply to the more expensive $139.99 Paperwhite. “The maximum benefit you may receive from this offer is up to $30 towards one select physical book when you purchase a new Kindle Paperwhite Wi-fi Only with Special Offers.”

Still, for anyone who has been sitting on the fence about buying a Paperwhite, this could be your tipping point. With a nice fat paper book weighing down the scales on the Buy side. Sounds like a great way to get the best of both worlds.


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