IMG_20160330_142615Is your e-ink Kindle getting a little long in the tooth? Maybe you have a Kindle sitting around somewhere that doesn’t even work anymore? If so, Amazon wants to try to get you to trade up to a newer one with its Kindle trade-in program.

Simply send in your Kindle and Amazon will assign you a gift card value based on the model and its condition. If your Kindle doesn’t work, or is a first- or second-generation model (including the Kindle DX) that does work, it will fetch you $5 on trade-in. Subsequent generations will fetch anywhere from $19 for the Kindle Keyboard Wi-Fi up to $55 for the newest 3G Paperwhite, as long as they’re in good working order.

On top of that, Amazon will add a $20 bonus, which you can then apply toward the purchase of any Kindle e-reader sold directly by Amazon—the Kindle, the Paperwhite, the Voyage, or the Kindle for Kids bundle. You can use the gift card balance for any purchase, but the $20 bonus can only apply toward another Kindle (not a Fire). You can trade in up to five Kindles per customer and account, but only get one $20 bonus.

The offer runs through the end of 2016, and the $20 bonus credit has to be used by the end of February, 2017.

I’d consider trading in my old Kindle Touch, but Amazon may already have marked that one down as not working after my support experience trying to get it upgraded and it has a couple of marks on the screen acquired before I owned it, so I’d probably just end up getting $5 for it. Besides, given that my Paperwhite works just fine (even in the dark!), I don’t really need another Kindle right now.

But if you’ve been holding onto one of your older Kindles for a while, here’s your chance to get its trade-in value plus $20 toward a new one. And it’s a chance you’ll have all year, unless Amazon decides to end the program prematurely. Why not give it a shot?


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