1-2015-ap-stylebookThe AP Stylebook is a singularly important newsroom resource, used in English-language newspapers and magazines all over the world to provide guidelines on things like whether to hyphenate “email” and a zillion other formatting niceties that no one person can ever remember all of. With that being the case, it’s a little surprising it’s taken as long as it has for an e-book version to come out, but it finally has. (A PDF version has been available for a while, but that’s really barely an e-book at all.)

For just $9.99 on Kindle, or presumably other digital platforms, you can now own a fully “interactive e-book” edition of the 2015 AP Stylebook. While the article isn’t clear on exactly what makes the e-book “interactive” and whether it is any more so than a regular e-book, even having it as a regular e-book means that it can now be text-searched. And at least a digital version will be more manageable than that annoying spiral binding.

Sadly, you’ll have to re-buy the book once it hits its 2016 edition, as it gets updated every year. But $10 for such a resource isn’t bad.


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