neptunecrossingFound on the Baen Bar: Jeffrey Carver, author of the Starrigger series, has put his book Neptune Crossing on his website,, as a free download in unencrypted html, MobiPocket, eReader, rich text, and PDF formats.

The download page also announces that the other two volumes in that trilogy, Strange Attractors and The Infinite Sea, will be coming soon, leading up to his release of Sunborn, a new book in the series. He will also be doing an audiobook podcast for Sunborn.

Carver’s commercially-available e-books can be found via

Here’s hoping Carver’s giveaways lead to the same sorts of success experienced by Baen and Cory Doctorow!

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TeleRead Editor Chris Meadows has been writing for us--except for a brief interruption--since 2006. Son of two librarians, he has worked on a third-party help line for Best Buy and holds degrees in computer science and communications. He clearly personifies TeleRead's motto: "For geeks who love books--and book-lovers who love gadgets." Chris lives in Indianapolis and is active in the gamer community.


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