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Barnes & Noble’s Chief Digital Officer to speak at the Digital Book World Conference March 8


 Fred Argir of Barnes & NobleThe 7th Annual Digital Book World Conference + Expo (DBW) will present a mainstage session called “Barnes & Noble: The Perspective of the New Chief Digital Officer” on Tuesday, March 8 in New York.

During the interview-style presentation, DBW Conference Chair Mike Shatzkin will talk with Fred Argir, who became Barnes & Noble, Inc.’s vice president and chief digital officer in July 2015.

Barnes & Noble is the nation’s largest retail bookseller and a leading retailer of content, digital media and educational products. DBW 2016 is the premier event (@DigiBookWorld – #DBW16) for book publishers and content providers of all sizes and business models who plan to thrive through and beyond publishing’s digital transformation.

The Digital Book World Conference + Expo takes place March 7 – 9, 2016 at the New York Hilton Midtown in N.Y.C. Registration and program details are available at digitalbookworldconference.com (the best early-bird rates expire Feb. 8; the final pre-conference registration rate expires March 6).

As the nation’s largest retail bookseller, Barnes & Noble is committed to operating the best omni-channel specialty retail business in America, fulfilling customers’ needs no matter how they shop or in what format they choose to consume content. At the company, Argir oversees the E-Commerce and NOOK® businesses, which are part of Barnes & Noble retail.

“We look forward to discussing Barnes & Noble’s long-term strategy with Mr. Argir, including how effective collaboration with publishers will help with the company’s strategic initiatives,” said Mike Shatzkin (@MikeShatzkin), who’s the founder of The Idea Logical Company and a partner at Publishers Launch Conferences, in addition to being the DBW conference chair.

Argir joined Barnes & Noble from Toys “R” Us, Inc., where he served as chief digital officer since 2012, overseeing digital businesses in 13 countries. He is an accomplished e-commerce/omni-channel leader, who brings a deep understanding of retail, e-commerce, information technology and supply chain, with a proven track record for driving organizations to high levels of performance and profitability. Prior to Toys “R” Us, Argir was chief information officer at The Sports Authority, Inc., where he led the organization through a formal web redesign, incrementally increasing page conversion through a focus on improved usability and experience. He also served as a consultant to Best Buy, Inc., where he collaborated on productivity and strategic technology investments. Argir also spent five years at Target Corporation as vice president of supply chain development.

Overall, DBW 2016 will cover the most pressing topics, including: transformation in the book business and digital publishing community; data, discovery and SEO; tech vs. content; a fresh look at ebook sales, the indie-publishing market and a fast-changing publishing business; understanding SEO in a global, local and mobile world; monetizing relationships with consumers; investing in tech; how digital has changed our culture; copyright; antitrust, tech and book publishing; rights in a globalized world; content marketing; the changing realities for authors; self-publishing; and the book buyer’s journey; among other relevant, strategy-focused topics.

DBW 2016 is produced by F+W, A Content + eCommerce Company in partnership with Publishers Launch Conferences.

Visit digitalbookworldconference.com to register (the best early-bird rates expire Feb. 8; the final pre-conference registration rate expires March 6). Email digitalbookworld@fwmedia.com to inquire about attending, sponsoring or exhibiting.

Also download the new, complimentary DBW white paper, Viewpoints on Publishing’s Digital Transformation, which features DBW 2016 speakers: digitalbookworldconference.com/index.php/whitepaper.


F+W, A Content + eCommerce Company

F+W connects passionate, like-minded groups of people to share an ongoing exchange of information, ideas and inspiration. F+W is committed to providing the very best experience for its customers across its communities — digital media, writing, design, outdoors and lifestyle, among many others. The company offers exclusive events, online learning programs, research services, custom content, books and magazines (digital and print), curated kits and other services to its millions of customers worldwide. (fwmedia.com)

Publishers Launch Conferences

Publishers Launch Conferences is a comprehensive conference/education business that addresses the urgent needs of book publishing professionals around the world. The organization was founded by two highly-respected trade publishing veterans, Michael Cader of Publishers Lunch and PublishersMarketplace.com and Mike Shatzkin of The Idea Logical Company. Publishers Launch works closely with established players and institutions throughout the publishing world, to transition to prosperity in the era of new technology, players and paradigms. (publisherslaunch.com).

Barnes & Noble, Inc.

Barnes & Noble, Inc. (NYSE: BKS) is a Fortune 500 company, the nation’s largest retail bookseller, and a leading retailer of content, digital media and educational products. The Company operates 640 Barnes & Noble bookstores in 50 states, and one of the Web’s premier e-commerce sites, BN.com (www.bn.com). The Nook Digital business offers a lineup of popular NOOK® tablets and eReaders and an expansive collection of digital reading and entertainment content through the NOOK Store®. The NOOK Store features more than 4 million digital books in the US (www.nook.com) and UK (www.nook.co.uk), plus periodicals, comics, apps, movies and TV shows, and offers the ability to enjoy content across a wide array of popular devices through Free NOOK Reading Apps™ available for Android™, iOS® and Windows®.

General information on Barnes & Noble, Inc. can be obtained by visiting the Company’s corporate website at www.barnesandnobleinc.com.

Barnes & Noble®, Barnes & Noble Booksellers® and Barnes & Noble.com® are trademarks of Barnes & Noble, Inc. or its affiliates. NOOK® and the NOOK logos are trademarks of Nook Digital, LLC or its affiliates. Galaxy Tab® is a trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

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