images.jpegFrom Korea JoongAng Daily:

For English-language publishers planning to try their hand at the electronic-book business, there’s no other market like Korea. After all, the country is known for its insatiable appetite to master the English language and Koreans’ need to get their hands on the latest technology services and gadgets. More than 90 percent of households have broadband Internet access, and more than 98 percent of citizens have mobile phones. This is exactly why the Korean market shines more brightly than other Asian markets for e-book publishers. Sterling Publishing Company, a subsidiary of Barnes & Noble, the largest book retailer in the United States, has became one of the first foreign publishing companies to offer e-book titles in Korea, says Sterling Publishing Company CEO Marcus Leaver.

According to the Korean Publishers Association, a total of 420,191 books were published in Korea last year, down 2.1 percent from the previous year. The story’s not as gloomy for e-books, as the number of newly published e-books was 230,271, up 60 percent on-year. According to the report, Koreans read 10.9 books on average last year and spent 17,000 won ($14.81) a month on books.

The article goes on with an interview with Marcus Leaver. Interesting reading.


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