iM7FTMQFollowing the recent news of the resurfacing of the near-legendary “Joan Anderson Letter” from Neal Cassady to Jack Kerouac, which gave us On The Road in its current form, Profiles in History, the auction house selling the letter, is hosting a media event on the morning of December 1st at “The Heart of The Beat Generation’s History in North Beach, The Beat Museum,” showcasing the letter “This One and Only Time, to Select Media in its Newly Discovered Entirety.”

The Beat Museum, which rejoices in the URL, “is home to an extensive collection of Beat memorabilia, including original manuscripts and first editions, letters, personal effects and cultural ephemera,” and occupies “the same ground that was once the epicenter for Beat activity during the 1950s.” Obviously, it’s the perfect setting for an event around the unveiling of the “Joan Anderson Letter” – although since this is a private event open only to selected media, bona fide journalists are recommended to get in touch with Profiles in History pronto.

According to Profiles in History, this will be “the only time the letter will be available to be seen before its highly anticipated auction sale” on December 17th, 2014, as part of the auction of the Golden Goose Press Archive. For qualifying attendees, it sounds like a cannot-miss event.


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