Screenshot_2016-04-09-12-49-25My previous reporting on the new iteration – and rebranding – of Mantano’s ebook reading app Bookari featured promises of new features from Jean-Marie Geffroy, President of Mantano. Now, the latest update to version 4.1 for Bookari Free, my own ePub e-reading platform of choice, looks to be delivering on that commitment.

As you can see from the welcome screen above, Bookari Free now offers syncing your ebooks between devices by signing in from big-name social media and cloud platforms – to whit, Google and Facebook. Backup and syncing are also available on the Free version now (albeit with usage quotas), rather than only with the paid Premium version, as previously. There’s also a new control panel, and a night mode which “better preserves the original colors.”

Not major upgrades, you might say, but free syncing for all readers definitely is an advance in my … ahem … book. Bookari Free already won my support when it proved to be one of the few ePub e-reading apps that could use the external micro SD storage on Amazon’s $50 Fire. And this latest tweak looks to only make it all the more flexible and useful.


  1. There is so much I love about Bookari/Mantano but the New and Noteworthy when I open the app really irks me. I would love not have not have it appear my screen – book selections there are completely and utterley irrelevant to me. Back to FBReader for me.

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