Moderator: Bookeen‘s latest Cybook Gen3 can hold 1,000 books—probably more than any other e-book reader’s internal memory. Price is still US$350-$450. Slightly edited news release follows. – D.R.

image…The Cybook New Edition offers three major improvements:

1. More internal memory: The Cybook internal memory reaches 512MB now. 480MB is available for storage which corresponds to an average 1,000 books storage capacity. It is the largest internal memory size for an e-book reader available on the market.

2. New firmware: The device has been preloaded with the brand new firmware recently released by Bookeen. Offers more stability, a longer battery lifetime and a more reactive button interface (faster and buffered key detection). This new firmware is also available for all our customers and can be downloaded and installed. Please see more information ahead.

3. Revised housing: The navigation button offers a pleasant and soft hand feeling with a good tactile feedback which enhances definitely the digital reading experience.

    This new edition remains at the same price in its standard and Deluxe versions. Please note that the Cybook Gen3 new edition is currently in stock and the average delay between order and shipment is 12 business days.

    “This new edition is a real step forward for us. With this new version, the Cybook becomes the thinnest, lightest device with the largest storage capacity on the market.” explains Laurent Picard, Bookeen co-founder. “Our goal is to provide the best experience to the eBook community and to maximize all the benefits of digital reading on ePaper : battery lifetime, storage capacity, legibility.” adds Michael Dahan, Bookeen co-manager.

    Cybook Gen3 Firmware Upgrade

    cybookFirmwareEn The first Cybook Gen3 firmware upgrade (version 1.1) is now available. With this build several improvements have been released. Check to discover the features of this new firmware and how to download it.

    “All the Cybook possessors can upgrade their devices with this new firmware. This upgrade is a first step to prepare new features which should be released very soon.” commented Laurent Picard.

    Best regards,
    Bookeen team

    To learn more about Bookeen and the Cybook, visit
    To “get hot news and start discussions”, visit Bookeen official blog.

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    1. David,

      Are you having email problems? I sent an email and have gotten two responses regarding DNS lookup failures. It could always be a problem on my side, but I haven’t had problems with any other addresses.


      p.s. The email wasn’t that important. Just a comment about a previous article.

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