6a00d8341c5dea53ef0133ecf2363b970b-800wi.jpgBookofJoe has an iPad and is annoyed that it only can connect to the dock in the portrait mode.

It’s much easier, faster and more comfortable to type on the keyboard dock or a Bluetooth keyboard than with the on-screen virtual keyboard.

The problem is that the iPad as configured forces you into placing it in portrait mode to attach it to the keyboard dock or basic dock.

This vexed me from day one and I vowed to figure out a simple hack around it until Apple adds a docking port on the long side.

He has found a way to make it useable, and stable, with the dock in the landscape mode. It involves using the case that came with the iPad and a dock extender cable.

Too many pictures to reprint his article, but you can find all the details here.


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