
From the BookTour blog:

We regret to inform you that BookTour will be shutting down on Thursday, September 1, 2011. On that date, all of our services will end and our data will be unavailable.

Fewer author tours and changes in book marketing budgets have made our company financially unviable. And while we would like to continue providing the valuable service that is BookTour, everyone here has families to feed and bills to pay. As such, the founders are working on new and exciting ventures in publishing and software development.

We’d like to thank all the authors, publishers, venues and readers that have supported BookTour since its inception. In our absence, we recommend tools from Amazon Author CentralGoogle and as worthy replacements.

Any author’s existing tour data on BookTour may be downloaded as an XML file off of their author page or via the tool on this page, and then imported to any of the above replacement services that support it.

The BookTour Team

P.S. Questions about our closure may be directed to Kevin Smokler at



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