As many will know, the British Library has been hosting a great show on the Gothic tradition, “Terror and Wonder: The Gothic Imagination,” since October. It’s the ideal show for the Christmas period, given the well-known British propensity for linking the festive season to ghost stories, horror movies, and dark and hideous imaginings of all kinds. And now, the British ghost hunter’s favorite free magazine, Spectral Times, is holding a giveaway of tickets for the show in its latest issue, with two entry passes available in return for answering a simple question.
The issue of the magazine is readable in full online here, with details of the competition on page 88. The show itself, meanwhile, offers 200 rare objects that trace “250 years of the Gothic tradition, exploring our enduring fascination with the mysterious, the terrifying and the macabre” and “the dark shadow the Gothic imagination has cast across film, art, music, fashion, architecture and our daily lives.” Both are recommended for anyone who wants a chill this Christmas from something more than just the London cold.