
Data preservation has become a bit of a hot issue these days. Like many early adopters, I have maybe a dozen e-books I have bought, paid for and can no longer...

When Chris reviewed Marvin for iOS recently, I recalled that I myself own this app. I had not fired up Marvin in ages because I use the cross-device syncing features of the Kindle app very heavily. But recently,...

As if there weren't already enough mini-culture wars going on around certain literary genres and figures, another small one seems to be brewing up around the delightful weird/dark podcast series Welcome...

In today’s market there are typically two methods for e-book distribution: free or paid. I’ve said before that one day we’ll see an ad-subsidized model take hold. Purists generally reject that...

Microsoft blew it. The company could have been Amazon, too---at least the e-book side around the turn of the century. I can recall going to an industry-government conference eons ago where Microsoft’s...

Our friends at Techdirt have a great analysis on the ongoing 'Happy Birthday' copyright mess. Back in September, Warner Music was ruled not to have the copyright to this song, and...

So what do TeleBlog readers make of this? The $3,499 BookDrive DIY scanner includes an auto page-flipper and works with Canon digital SLR cameras. With the needed camera included, the price...

We are back from our camping trip, and while we weren't entirely happy campers, that was because of the daily rain, not the power situation. I'd intended to take some pictures of...

So, this past weekend I took part in my first ever “Anomaly,” a big local event for players of the Ingress game (which I wrote about for Answers here) by Niantic...

I’ve owned several iPod Touches. But fergit it when it comes to the new line---given Apple’s insistence on a tiny four-inch screen. Why the devil should I pay $199 or whatever for...


Courtesy of the Kboards, a worrying item about struggling e-book sites and their ability to monetize engagement with Amazon - or not - has...

TeleRead.com is now a static archival site, but we're very much alive at TeleRead.org. Big thanks to Nate Hoffelder of The-Digital-Reader.com, who teamed up on the preservation project with ReclaimHosting.com.