Yo, eNovel.com! Michael Fox wants a word with you
eNovel.com, "closed for maintenance" for more than a week as of this writing, isn't answering the mail of an author named Michael Fox, who says: "I have a book there."...
An e-reader that accepts any XML
For something like five or six years, I've been able to style XML elements with CSS and have the text displayed just the way I want.
That is, in the XMetaL XML...
Self-publishing e-books via Lulu
Erika Dreifus has had a happy experience using Lulu to self-publish e-books, and a friend of mine reported similar results with a paper book. Anyone else with Lulu impressions, good...
Supreme outrage: $400M more a YEAR for the copyright elite
"Copyright holders stand to collect about $400 million more a year from older creations under the extension, he said. The limit on the use of information 'threatens to interfere with...
Splinggs eerrrrors?
Check out ieSpell--a blog-oriented spelling checker for Internet Explorer. Works great with Blogger and apparently with Radio. Dave Winer mentions it in Scripting News.
E-Bookworm–for librarians and the visually impaired
Audio Avenue's E-Bookworm, a new audio service for librarians and the visually impaired, is now online. Tom Peters, a veteran librarian and e-book specialist, will be interviewing guests, the first...
Wrong organization: Whatis.com’s outdated OeBF mention
"The Open eBook Forum (Open Electronic Book Forum or OEBF) is an organization whose purpose is to develop a specification for electronic content, based on existing HTML and XML standards, that...
‘Home alone?’: Content aggregators vs. home pages
"The overall effect of 'distributed navigation' brought upon by content aggregators is that we
Washington Monthly blogger: ALA should dump prez-elect Michael Gorman for anti-ebook remarks
In a Los Angeles Times article last month, ALA-president-elect Michael Gorman opposed massive digitizing of entire books except in special cases such as references works. Wham! Along comes this reply...
“Library Digitization Projects and Copyright”
Practical how-to guidance from Mary Minow, a library law consultant for LibraryLaw.com. Carried by LLX.com.