
TeleRead has always supported the concept of neighborhood libraries, especially those near schools. Well-stocked national digital libraries aren't going to happen overnight. Beyond that, neighorhood libraries help supply the glue...

Copyight laws may harm writers, artists and musicians at times by making it harder to share their works with other creators and the world at large. Ironically, under certain circumstances,...

The essay below is an update from Amos Bokros, a key participant in TeleRead, who tells how technology has helped him cope with a reading disability, and how TeleRead could...

Reuters this week carries an column headlined NetTrends: E-Book Story Fails to Unfold. It's an informative column, but fails to address the big issue: Why are publishers so often charging...

The newest version of this blogging software still has a way to go. The system apparently went back to an earlier, less polished version of this log. Luckily I distrusted...

The news establishment has not always cottoned well to blogging. Turf-intrusion alarms go off. As Glenn Harlan Reynolds has noted, bloggers in effect serve as freelance editors--hyper-eager not only to...

TeleRead is drawing some attention in Europe. We were mentioned May 5 in a Polish publication called Palm Page. It picked up our discussion of the benefits of e-books to...

With the Wi-Fi post in mind, I can't resist mentioning the great experiment about to unfold at American University. Yes, the item is about higher ed. But as costs decline,...

Yes, they're all discussed here. Just scroll down if the link does not work. And meanwhile enjoy the other items.

TeleRead would make library books easy to spread around--while tracking accesses to pay writers and publishers fairly, via a National Digital Library Fund financed through public and private means.Look beyond...


Courtesy of the Kboards, a worrying item about struggling e-book sites and their ability to monetize engagement with Amazon - or not - has...

TeleRead.com is now a static archival site, but we're very much alive at TeleRead.org. Big thanks to Nate Hoffelder of The-Digital-Reader.com, who teamed up on the preservation project with ReclaimHosting.com.