Chris Meadows, TeleRead’s first paid staff writer as well as host of our new podcast, will become Editor effective immediately. Juli Monroe will remain Editor-in-Chief and take on new duties.
Thousands of TeleRead posts bear Chris’s byline, going back to 2006. Juli and I agree that this promotion is long overdue. Chris has distinguished himself not only by the number of posts but also by their overall quality—reflecting both his writing skills and his passion for e-books. He began reading them in the 1990s, and sci-fi is his favorite genre.
While taking time out from TeleRead to write for my friend Nate Hoffelder at The Digital Reader, Chris told how he caught the e-book bug. “I can no longer remember the exact circumstances, but I know that Salon Magazine’s 1998 article on the Palm Pilot impressed the heck out of me.
“Here was a little hand-held green glowy gizmo that could contain words. Lots and lots of words. And it wasn’t just a toy—an unnamed professional SF editor used it to help get work done. If it was good enough for him, why couldn’t it be good enough for me? It was a few months before I was able to get one of my very own, but very soon a Palm IIIe, whose memory chips could hold an unimaginably large 2 whole megabytes, was mine. (I’d already bought my first commercial e-book from Peanut Press: Vernor Vinge’s A Fire Upon the Deep, which occupied fully 2/5 of my Palm’s memory all by itself!).”
Congratulations on the promotion, Chris! And also on your new e-book, The Geek’s Guide to Indianapolis, from which excerpts are available.
Meanwhile Juli, who designed Chris’s book cover, will continue writing and editing for TeleRead.
Among her loves are fiction-writing and how-to articles, but she has been busy acquiring a host of other skills in areas ranging from Search Engine Optimization to podcasting.
She is a frequent guest on Chris’s new show, has been a hit on Len Edgerly‘s The Kindle Chronicles, and is available for appearances on other podcasts.
Like Chris, Juli is an old hand at e-books. “My first ‘e-reader; was a Handspring Visor Deluxe. I fell in love and never looked back. I read on my phone, on tablets and on E Ink readers…
“I graduated from the University of Kansas with a journalism degree, but life took me in various different directions. I’ve worked in corporate America, sold home improvement products and today run my own business in the Washington, D.C., area as a networking and social media coach.
“My approach to life and business revolves around building relationships, both in person and online. I use Twitter, Facebook and other online platforms to maintain the relationships I make in-person and to find new friends I’ve yet to meet ‘in real life.'”
On top of everything else, Juli is author of The Enthusiastic Networker, which “helps readers find their unique networking presence and voice.
“When I’m not networking, blogging or trying to find the mythical ‘work-life balance,’ I work on The Warlock Case Files, an urban fantasy series with a warlock who fights supernatural threats in Washington, D.C., with the aid of his vampire ally. Check out my Amazon author page to keep up with my Warlock series.”
Contact information:
—Chris (living in Indianapolis):, @robotechmaster,, Google+ and personal Web site.
—Juli (Springfield, Virginia):, @1to1Discovery, Google+ and Web site.
TeleRead dates back to the 1990s and is the world’s oldest site devoted to general interest news and views on e-books, libraries and related topics.
(File photos.)
Congrats Chris! I need to remember to check out your podcast.
Congratulations Chris, and glad Julie is staying. Looking forward to all that TR will bring to us in the future.
The Invid and Zentradi are proud of Chris.
Congrats Chris. I’ve been reading Teletead for years. Now I get the posts in a daily email. Unfortunately, the email does not contain the byline, so I’m never sure who is writing what.
@Kathleen and others: So, so glad that TeleRead community members appreciate the hard work and talents of Chris and Juli!
I couldn’t agree with you more about the missing bylines in the emails! It’s one of the things on our to-do list, just like restoration of “Previous page” functionality for that icon at the bottom of the page..
I don’t like to clutter up the site with too many housekeeping-type items (of the kind I just did about Chris and Juli, as well as about Joe Wikert). But next week, as publisher, I’ll ask for your feature requests and bug reports in regard to the site.
Yes, we need to move on to another template that corrects the glitches, not just get the bylines into the email system.
Anyway–hold off for now. But give me the whole laundry list next week!