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From iTunes:

Shakespeare™ is a free app with the complete works of Shakespeare (41 plays, 154 sonnets and 6 poems, including doubtful works) and a searchable concordance to find the exact word or phrase you’re looking for (with “relaxed” searching to find words close to your search term).

Even though it’s free, Shakespeare for the iPad/iPhone/iPod is packed with these impressive features:

• CUSTOMIZE YOUR READING EXPERIENCE by choosing from a variety of color combinations, change the font family and size, and jump around to different scenes.

• QUALITY TEXTS are a top priority and our team spent over two years compiling and editing the best references available.

• DETAILED SCENE BREAKDOWNS give you an overview of the scenes within each play, their locations, and the characters present in each.

• THE SHAKESPEARE PASSPORT is your virtual ticket to events and exhibitions all over the world. Just show the passport on your device for great benefits at participating venues. More information at ShakespearePassport.com.

Thanks to BookofJoe for the link.


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