“Though we’ve seen some entertaining descriptions and demonstrations of how it could work, no coder has managed to fulfill perhaps the most requested gap on the iPhone, Copy and Paste functionality—until now. Preston Monroe has developed a bookmarklet that delivers the ability to copy and paste within Safari on the iPhone with surprisingly few limitations.  Dubbed iCopy this bookmarklet can copy paragraphs of text and URLs from Safari and paste the information back into Safari or into email messages.” – iPhone Atlas, via Mike Cane. Larger video here.

Also in the fun-with-tech department: The best laptops under $1,000, in PC World, and The New Two-Laptop Minimum, in Mike Elgan’s Computerworld blog.

Is the latter advice practical or just encouraging conspicuous consumption? Depends. I actually could see the case for owning a larger laptop and a smaller machine that could be used for quick, on-the-go computing and reading e-books—especially given the relationship between screen size and productivity (here and here).

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