bookeen-cybook-opus.img_assist_custom.jpgThe Opus is a 5″ ereader that supports EPUB, among other formats. It has 1G of internal memory along with a microSD slot. List price is $250, but Amazon, through Beach Camera, is selling it for $215.

Thanks to E-Reader-info for the link.


  1. The Cybook Opus has been shipping since July. For several months now Books on Board has been conducting an advertising campaign featuring in the hands of “celebrities.” It has garnered some good reviews, but there are still bugs in the firmware causing lock ups, especially when using an SD card and the auto power off feature. It is more limited than the Gen 3: no dictionary, nowhere near the level of layout customization. The Pocketbook 360 , imo, takes the best of both the opus and the gen3 and combines it with exceedingly dependable firmware

  2. $215 is a good price compared to Bookeen’s $350 for US customers, but yeah it’s been that price on Amazon for a least 4-6 weeks now. also has it for about $225 with fee shipping.

    Actually, check that, Bookeen now sells it for $250–’bout time.

    No worries; it’s hard to keep up with these things.

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