I was getting nervous because David hasn’t posted in so long, so I called him at home and his wife told me that he had a heart attack last Thursday night at about 10pm.  Last Friday he had quadruple bypass surgery and is recovering.  Evidently all 4 arteries were 90% blocked.  David didn’t smoke and was a vegitarian, but his wife said he has a family history of heart problems.  She is hoping that he will be released from the hospital this Thursday.

According to his wife, when David comes home he will be very weak and not capable of doing too much.  Therefore please don’t call him or send him email.  His mailbox is already backed up and he won’t be able to spend too much time on it for a while.  However, he is already talking to his wife about the status of his book, so it certainly looks as if he is recovering.

I would suggest that anyone who wants to send their regards to David do so by adding a comment to this post so that David just has to look in one place. If this post gets pushed down by other articles I’ll put it back up at the top again.

For all those who have permission to post on this blog, let’s try to keep things going while David is under the weather.

For those who don’t have permission to post, if you want to send me a post by email, I will put it up with due credit to you.  Keeping the blog running is the best thing we can do for David at this point.  You can send me any postings at paulkbiba at gmail.com

October 1 Update: Check the Medical Status post for the latest information about David Rothman’s medical condition. We’ll try to update it over time.


  1. I’m very sorry to hear about your illness, David. I hope you will feel better soon, as of course, is most likely. In fact, I understand that the biggest risk to bypass patients is that they feel so MUCH better, so fast, that they tend to overdo.

    In any case, take care, and come back soon, to make us all think!

  2. Sorry to hear about this sad news. I do hope that you have a pain-free, speedy, and complete recovery, David.

    This website is the best source for news and information about e-books. You were one of the first to see the enormous positive potential of a universal e-library and to compose hortatory op-eds. You have opposed monopolies and wrong-headed restrictions by persuasively championing the cause of e-books that are DRM-free, standards-based, and accessible-to-all. These actions have been a fantastic inspiration to the many people who care about the future of culture and learning. You have made a big difference, and you can see that numerous well-wishers eagerly await your next post at TeleRead.

    Three years ago my father suffered a stroke and the doctors determined that he required sextuple bypass surgery. I had never heard of a six-way bypass until it was being performed on my father. The good news is that the surgery was successful and he is now recovered and doing very well. David, I hope that this example is heartening (and perhaps this bad pun can reduce some of the somberness).

    I deeply wish that you will achieve the healthiest best possible outcome and look forward to seeing your byline again soon.

  3. David –
    I was sorry to hear about your health crisis, but hopeful that the worst is behind you and you’re well on your way to a full recovery. When a relative of mine had a triple bypass, once he was fully recovered he said he felt twenty years younger. I hope the same turns out to be true for you.

  4. David,

    Sorry to hear about your illness. Get well soon!

    I had quadruple bypass surgery in 2005. I am doing fine now. You may find that you feel better in some ways after a couple months than you did prior to the surgery.

    Looking forward to your return,

  5. So sorry to hear of your heart attack, yet thrilled to hear that the recovery is going well. You’ll be missed while you’re gone, but take your time getting back up to speed. I wish you a speedy recovery and the best of health. And when you’re ready again, we will look forward to more of your thoughts on all topics!

  6. David,

    I want to add my best wishes for a full and speedy recovery. Teleread.org is one of my favorite stops whenever I am online. You have created a valued, informative and much respected presence in our growing e-world. Thank you! I too will be here for you when you return.

  7. Having spent some recuperative time in hospitals, I’ll keep this short:

    Like everybody above said, get well soon and don’t scare us like that again. 🙂
    The battle to establish ebooks properly is in need of your continued diligent service, so you aren’t allowed to croak for quite a while yet.
    A friend of mine runs a local Temple. I’ll ask her to send up something for you. Hope you don’t mind that it’ll be Reform. Tough if you do, ‘cuz I’m gonna have her send it up anyway. 🙂

  8. David — Was just thinking about the XyWrite book: takes me back how long our paths have been intertwined. And how long we have both concluded what is important in developing publishing. Take good care of yourself, and recover fully!


  9. To David Rothman’s wife:
    Get enough sleep — you have a great deal to do.
    If he doesn’t expect to feel years younger, he’ll avoid depression.
    Help him fight that urge to sit and sit with his legs crossed.
    If you get those organizer boxes and put his pills in them so that he doesn’t have to do anything but take them he’ll be more likely to take them properly.

    Know that there are many, many people out here cheering for you both and looking forward to the day when all this is but a dim memory.

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