ddd-header-logo.gifI reproduce the following from Sue Polanka’s No Shelf Required blog:

I was introduced to a company at the TOC Conference by the name of Digital Divide Data. I had no idea what they did, but upon learning more about them, became very impressed with them. DDD is an international non-profit organization involved in the conversion and digitization of books, journals, and other content. They can create eBooks in ePUB and formats to fit with the Kindle, iPhone, and other eReading devices. But the most impressive part of DDD is how they digitize. They recruit and train young Cambodians and Laotians who are trapped in the circle of poverty. These individuals are trained in various IT skills for 6 – 8 months. If they meet the DDD requirements, they are hired to perform IT services for global companies and spend half of their day in school, earning a degree in 3 to 4 years. DDD often hires graduates for management positions and many move on to other careers and fields where they can earn nearly 6 times the local salary. For more information on DDD, visit their site – particularly the area for getting involved.


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