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Publishing Perspectives has an excellent overview on the state of West African digital publishing.  Take a look:

Working with the Nigeria Publishers’ Association and the Book Fair, Information for Change gathered a panel of speakers and case studies from West Africa that demonstrated there is plenty of digital experience and passion in the region. From the keynote address by Bibi Bakare-Yusuf, one of the founders of Cassava Republic Publishers (delivered by another of the founders Jonathan Weate, as Bibi was grounded on doctor’s orders and so unable to attend) through contributions from the recently-retired National Librarian of Nigeria, Dr Linus Ikpaahindi, and the Director of Standards and regulation at the Nigerian National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Inye Kemabonta, a picture emerged of a publishing industry poised on the brink of major digital development, but held back by a mixture of uncertainty and practical constraints.


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