ipadSaleQuick! You can snap up a silver 128GB iPad Air for Sprint cellular and pay just $449 at B&H. Supposedly, with a different SIM card, the model on sale will also work with AT&T. A silver T-Mobile version costs $499. Other configurations are available.

The offers ends today, and who knows how long stocks will last?

Please note this is not the Air 2 (which may or may not be getting a successor next month). But it could be just the ticket for frugal e-book lovers who want Retina-level resolution, cellular and lots of storage for apps beyond e-books. An iPad Air 2 with cellular and 128GB of storage  sells for $829 from Apple.

Here are the specs of the Air—the older model—on sale:

9.7" LED Multi-Touch IPS Retina Display
2048 x 1536 Native Resolution
Dual-Core Apple A7 CPU with M7 Chip
802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0
Sprint Mobile Broadband
Front 1.2-Megapixel FaceTime HD Camera
Rear 5-Megapixel iSight Camera
Lightning Connector, AirPlay Mirroring
Gyro, Accelerator, Ambient Light Sensor

Detail: TeleRead does not have an affiliate arrangement with B&H. This just looked like a good deal.

And some perspective: We’re talking First World frugal or upscale frugal. Nine-inch Android tablets without cellular, high-res or the same amount of storage cost a fraction of the 128GB Air’s price.


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