RIAASlashdot item here. The RIAA‘s statements are nothing short of surrealistic at a time when Texas is suing Sony over its DRM debacle.

Luckily even the IDPF hasn’t indulged in DRM-related spin as disingenuous as the RIAA’s. My own hope is that the e-book industry will heed the DRM advice of Adobe’s Bill McCoy . While I dislike DRM, it’s time for a compromise to help the industry finally live up to its potential.

No panacea: Not that gentler DRM will be enough by itself to turn e-bookdom around, given other woes such as the Tower of eBabel and the other challenges of buying and owning an e-book. This is one sick industry, with domestic sales probably well under $30 million a year. I’d still like the IDPF’s Nick Bogaty to respond to my query about an apparent decline in the number of e-book titles as reported by respondents to an OEBF/IDPF survey.


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