Ebook DRM explained | Ebook Friendly

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  1. So true! Is there an updated list somewhere of publishers who have DRM-free EPUB books? I have been buying some novels from Poisoned Pen Press and Bewrite Books and it is so good to be able to move them around freely between my phone, ebook reader and netbook. No dramas or “signing in” or worries about losing my books.

  2. Thanks, Carol. There is, in fact, an updated publishers list included in the superb and free Calibre Library software (calibre-ebook.com) that flags those houses with a DRM-free policy. Calibre itself (which offers instant non-DRM file conversion from one format to another) is very anti digital padlocking and uses one of the ‘DRM-Free’ stamps we designed as a logo years ago to promote the campaign against the practice. Best wishes. Neil at BeWrite Books

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