While at ACRL, I met a Librarian at Wellesley College by the name of Deborah Lenares.  She was in the midst of evaluating ebook aggregator platforms and shared with me her comparative spreadsheet.  It’s quite thorough and I thought it could be a great community project to work on it together.  So, Deborah has posted this spreadsheet to google docs and it is open and available for editing by anyone.

Document is available here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc key=0AtHuZMbGK8S1cENRNkpMU1FZeDFGNGdWQUtOQlVlZGc&hl=en_US

Via Sue Polanka’s No Shelf Required


  1. The post above is from NSR 2009.
    I’ve updated the criteria spreadsheet and in April 2011 I contacted the four main PDA ebook aggregators and asked them to fill in the spreadsheet. The info can be found here:

    This was created for a presentation at the New England Technical Services Librarian’s Confernce in April 2011. Presentation slides can be found here:

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