“With the support of the U.S. Department of Defense, this wrist-worn flexible AMOLED communication device, fabricated on metal foil, demonstrates portability, ruggedness and conformability. The device combines the significant energy savings of Universal Display’s phosphorescent OLED technology with the inherent benefits of a flexible OLED into an ultrathin display with a crisp beautiful picture, a wide viewing angle and a novel form factor. In addition to military field communications, this device suggests a number of exciting possibilities for consumer-oriented products.” – Steven V. Abramson, President and Chief Executive Officer of Universal Display Corporation, as quoted at OLED Display.net (via TechMeme).
The TeleRead take: For apps like e-book gizmos? Gang, what do you think of the ergonomics here, in that context?
Caveats, from MaximumPC: “The 4-inch OLED screen will be meant for military servicemen in the near future. But, as you can see, the prototype still has plenty of work that needs to be done. UDC does plan to bring a working version with them to CES, allowing the curious public a hands-on chance with the OLED future. We’ll be sure to keep an eye out.”
Related: Earlier TeleBlog references to OLED tech. Also see Universal Web site, complete with a reference to “foldable, electronic, daily-refreshable newspapers” (larger version of the the second photo appears on the Universal site). The company is in New Jersey.
Well, it needs to have some kind of frame so one can use it with one hand. The frame needs to keep the screen very flat, or else it will be close to impossible to avoid glares. And the battery life needs to be decent (e.g., much better than on an iphone).
Since OLEDs emit light there is no need for any additional light source. This in turn implies that the less of a screen is lit the less power it ought to use. This implies that my favorite reading setup, white text on a black background (which is particularly comfortable at night and works well even with dirty and scratchy displays), minimizes the power consumption.