Screen shot 2010-10-27 at 9.43.44 AM.pngFrom the Announcement:

Fotonauts Inc., makers of, the first collaborative photo encyclopedia, today announced the launch of Fotopedia Heritage 2.0, a free application for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Created in cooperation with the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the visually stunning downloadable app provides a virtual passport to the hundreds of World Heritage sites that constitute the world’ s collective cultural and natural human legacy.

Fotopedia Heritage now offers more than 25,000 awe-inspiring photos and grows every day, thanks to the contributions of the Fotopedia community – which consists of 30,000 photographers and curators who help enable this endless visual journey.

See Also: Client for the Web

See Also: Fotopedia Heritage 2.0 on the Web

See Also: Fotopedia Widgets

Via Resource Shelf


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