graffiti-for-android-l.jpgRecently I replaced my iPhone 4 with an Android-powered Samsung Captivate. Imagine my surprise when I saw that Graffiti, yes, Palm Graffiti, is now available for Android! Access, the current owner of Graffiti, has released it and it works like a charm on my Android phone.

While not ebook related, I’m sure many of our readers grew up with Palms – that’s where I first started reading ebooks – and remember Graffiti well. I was amazed at how my “muscle memory” allowed me to complete strokes I hadn’t made in years. I can either use my finger tip to draw strokes, or use a Boxwave stylus that I recently got from Amazon.

As an article in Palm Infocenter points out, this is Graffiti 1 that has been released, not the later Graffiti 2. If you have an Android phone check it out in the MarketPlace, its’ free, and you’ll find that it brings back many fond Palm memories.


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