hallwayI realize that Teleread isn’t a gaming site, but this once, it’s worth making an exception for one of the greatest stories in computer gaming history. Set in the world of Mexican funerary traditions, Grim Fandango tells of Manny Calavera, travel agent at the Department of Death, who embarks on a noir-flavored adventure through the Land of the Dead for the sake of the lovely and virtuous Mercedes Colomar. And courtesy of Double Fine Productions, the whole tale has now been remastered for desktop and mobile OSs, resurrecting the story for a new generation, and is now available for both iOS and Android.

According to Double Fine, “lovingly remastered by the game’s original creators, Grim Fandango is playable again for the first time in over a decade, now with improved visuals, a re-recorded orchestral soundtrack, making of commentary, and new touch controls.” Comparison of screenshots from the original and the remastered version do indicate that the graphics have been tuned up, and while I’m not sure how the game actually plays in mobile format compared to the original, my fingers are itching to find out.

Many acclaim Grim Fandango as LucasArts’ finest hour, in a history that includes a slew of Star Wars-themed classics among many others. It regularly makes lists of the top computer games of all time. So if you haven’t tried it, get it, and see how imaginative and immersive story-driven computer gaming can be.


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