Now here’s something you don’t have to do with an ebook – pulp it. The Bookseller is reporting that HarperCollins UK is recalling around 80,000 copies of Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom after the book was released with “typesetter errors that relate to spelling and punctuation”. The 80K is the number of hardbacks to be recalled, but evidently the trade paperbacks have the same problem.
The Guardian says that Franzen is saying that the printers had used the wrong computer file, but the printers are disputing this.
It’s currently unknown whether the US edition of the book is affected.
“Ahem”, we all know how relatively painlessly, and cheaply, this can be handled in the ebook world.
Absolutely ASTONISHING level of incompetence by these people.
The constraints of print are its attributes. (There is no consequence to spelling and punctuation errors in screen books)
Isn’t there Gary ? We have seen here on Teleread several reports of eBooks coming with appalling typos and errors. It is really annoying to be reading a good book only to be dragged back into reality by a series of daft typos…