oprah Nat Ives at AdAge has a piece looking at some of the iPad magazine offerings from Hearst Magazines. Hearst seems to want to break out of the “like print magazine, but on the iPad” mold that has restricted a number of early iPad magazines, integrating Internet and other content.

For example, Esquire’s iPad app will offer an in-app search of not just Esquire but other Internet content such as Flickr and Wikipedia, and will integrate a live feed of content from the Esquire website. It will offer subscriptions as well as single-copy sales.

And the iPad version of Oprah Winfrey’s O, the Oprah Magazine will allow users to buy and read e-books of the books Oprah recommends for her book club, within the app itself.

Hearst also plans to make available some non-monthly, “standalone experience” apps related to its magazines.

The article goes into Hearst’s plans for advertising, as well:

While some of the magazine iPad editions will hew more closely to printed page than others, Hearst sees a lot more potential in iPad advertising than just reproducing and enhancing print ad pages. Including every element as it appears in print would allow Hearst to count sales toward the paid circulation guarantee it gives print advertisers, but the company has begun to believe that once enough consumers own tablet computers, targeted and tailored advertising will be much more important.

It is interesting to see publishers beginning to experiment with moving beyond the static, top-down paradigm that has defined iPad mags so far. It’s going to be interesting to see whether others follow suit.

(Found via eBookNewser.)


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